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Bambinos & Colton Titus Close to New Deal

Writer: JALJAL

League MVP Colton Titus became a free agent yesterday thanks to the special workings of JAL contracts to players in high school. Below is the "contracts to players in high school" portion straight out of the CBA rules (Specifically bullet point #4) to help clear up any confusion out there about why Titus did not become a free agent last Friday like everyone else....

Contracts: Players in High School

- No Salary allowed

- Contract expires when player finishes high school

- If a season starts before player graduates and ends after player graduates then contract expires after season

- If the next upcoming season is determined to start after player will graduate then contract expires as soon as the season start date becomes official

As soon as this news broke yesterday a small level of pandemonium broke out across the league, rightfully so given that the reigning MVP was (and still is) technically up for grabs. It didn't last long though, because already the Bambinos and Titus are both saying that he isn't going anywhere.

"We've already talked and he's not going anywhere," said franchise co-owner Brian Whitten. "We're just working on the specifics of his new contract." Whitten went on to add that Titus' new deal will be somewhere in the range of teammate (and also former league MVP) Nate Williamson, who is currently heading into the 2nd season of his $100/5-season contract that was signed last offseason.

"I'm happy where I'm at," says Titus. "We have a good team and good chance to be successful. I'm more than happy to stay."

As of right now neither the Bambinos nor Titus say they know how much longer it will take for the new deal to be completely finalized as talks are still ongoing, but both assured the media earlier today that Titus eventually re-signing is "a done deal."

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